Club Constitution
The name of the club is “Dynamic Rides Cycling Club”
Financial Year
The financial year of the club shall run from 1 April to 31 March.
The objectives of the club are the promotion and furtherance of amateur cycling and cycle sport, and the advantages and benefits usually associated with a club.
4.1 Categories
The club will consist of the following categories of membership:
Full members (also known as First Claim Members) who are entitled to vote at general meetings of the club. [Note: An individual can only be a First Claim Member of one cycling club at any one time and, if they enter any competitions they will race under the name of that club.]
Second Claim members
4.2 Number of Members
The committee may fix a maximum number of members either in total or in one or more categories.
4.3 Application for membership
Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non-discriminatory basis.
4.4 Subscription
All subscriptions become due on election and thereafter on 1 April each year. Any member whose subscription has not been paid by 30 April ceases automatically on that date to be a member of the club. The committee shall have power to re-admit any such member.
Each year the committee shall determine the cost of membership for the forthcoming year.
4.5 Expulsion
The committee has power to expel any member of the club if his / her conduct or any action of his/her is, in the opinion of the committee:
Injurious to or inconsistent with the interest of the club, or
Otherwise such as to render him/her unfit to be a member of the club
4.6 Effect of ceasing to be a member
On ceasing to be a member for whatever reason the individual forfeits all rights to and claims upon the club, its property and its funds.
4.7 General
Each member will keep the membership secretary informed of their current address, email address, and contact telephone numbers.
If any member believes they have any cause for complaint with regards to the club they may bring the complaint before the committee by writing to the secretary giving details of the complaint.
Meetings of Members
5.1 Types of meeting
Within three months of the end of the financial year the club shall hold a general meeting of all its members as its Annual General Meeting. All other general business meetings of all members are called extraordinary General Meetings.
5.2 Annual General Meeting
The business to be transacted at each AGM must include the following:
Receive and if approved adopt the Chairman’s report for the last financial year.
Receive and if approved adopt the Treasurer’s report for the last financial year
Election of the committee
Consider any resolutions of which due notice has been given (see below)
Consider any other business relating to the affairs of the club which any member may care to raise providing that no resolution may be put to the vote under this item.
Candidates for election at the AGM must be proposed and seconded in writing by two full members. The nominations must be signed by the candidate and must be received by the secretary at least 28 days before the AGM.
Every resolution to be considered at the AGM must be proposed and seconded by two full members and presented in writing to the secretary at least 28 days before the AGM.
5.3 Extraordinary General Meetings
An EGM may be convened by:
The committee, or
The secretary on written request from at least 50% of Full Members
5.4 Notices
At least 14 days before the date fixed for the AGM notice must be given to the members enclosing copies of committees annual report, the treasures annual report, the names of candidates for election to the committee and any resolutions to be considered.
At least 14 days before the date fixed for any EGM notice must be given to the members specifying the nature of the business to be transacted at the meeting
All notices of general meetings must specify the date, time and place of the meeting.
The accidental omission of notice of a general meeting to a member, or the non –receipt of notice shall not invalidate the meeting.
5.5 Procedure
A quorum shall consist of five Full Members.
If within 30 minutes of the appointed time a quorum is not present:
If the meeting was called at the request of the members it will be deemed to be dissolved.
Otherwise it will be adjourned and the committee will rearrange and notify the members accordingly. If at the rearranged meeting a quorum is not present within 30 minutes the member present will constitute a quorum.
The committee may make arrangements for proxy or written votes to be received for members who are unable to attend a general meeting.
At any general meeting every full member of the club is entitled to one vote on each resolution.
A resolution put to the vote will be decided on a show of hands and the chairman of the meeting will declare the result which will be entered into the minutes and will be binding on all members of the club. If there is a tied vote the chairman of the meeting will have a second or casting vote.
6.1 Committee
The general management, financial management and administration of the club are the responsibility of the committee.
The committee shall consist of the officers of the club (Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and Membership Secretary) plus no more than five other members of the club.
Members of the committee shall be elected annually at the AGM. If a casual vacancy occurs on the committee, the committee can fill such a vacancy and the person appointed will hold office until the following AGM
The committee can co-opt on the committee until no later than the following AGM.
6.2 Disqualification
Any committee member absent without permission of the committee for more than six months automatically ceases to be a member of the committee.
6.3 Procedure
The committee will meet at intervals throughout the financial year to conduct business relating to the management of the club.
A quorum shall consist of three committee members.
The Chairman will preside over every meeting, but if the chairman is unable or unwilling to preside the committee may appoint a chairman amongst its members.
Questions arising will be decided by a majority of votes. If there is a tied vote the chairman of the meeting will have a second or casting vote.
Decisions will be entered into the minutes and will be binding on the committee and all members of the club.
The secretary must convene an extraordinary committee meeting on the written requisition of three or more committee members.
6.4 Delegation of Powers
The committee may delegate any of its powers to sub committees, but every sub –committee must confirm to any regulations that may be imposed on it by the committee.
The committee may appoint one or more of its members to act in legal proceedings in the name of, and on behalf of, the club on such terms as the committee may determine.
The property of the club (other than cash which is the responsibility of the Treasurer) can be vested in custodians who shall deal within the property of the club as directed by the committee.
The custodians shall be appointed at the general meeting of the club and shall hold office until resignation or a resolution passed at a general meeting.
The members of the committee and the custodians shall not be liable (other than as members) for any loss suffered by the club as a result of the discharge of their duties on its behalf (excepting such loss as arises from wilful default) and shall be indemnified by the members of the club for all expenses and other liabilities incurred by them in the discharge of their duties.
These constitution rules may not be altered or added to except by resolution passed at a general meeting of the club by a majority of 75% of the members who vote.
Any dispute concerning the construction of application of these rules will be determined by the committee whose decision shall be final.
Last updated 28th June 2021