Overall policy

DRCC is committed to the principles of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and will ensure all data is:-

  • used fairly, lawfully and transparently

  • used for specified, explicit purposes

  • used in a way that is adequate, relevant and limited to only what is necessary

  • accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date

  • kept for no longer than is necessary

  • handled in a way that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unlawful or unauthorised processing, access, loss, destruction or damage

GDPR Deployment in DRCC

The individual deployment of the data held by the club is as follows.:-

The individual deployment of the data held by the club is as follows.:-

The club membership system is hosted by British Cycling, and that contains details pertinent to DRCC memberships (name, address, email, DoB, emergency contact details etc). This data is password protected and can only be accessed by nominated officers of the Club ie the membership secretaries.

This information is never shared elsewhere.

At the Dynamic Rides shop (DRCC HQ) in the office, there is a maintained print-out list providing emergency contact details for each member. It is used solely in an emergency situation, and is never shared.

The ride booking system (SuperSaas) contains data about current, future and past bookings made by registered members. Admin access is password protected. This system is used to enable DRCC to manage club rides and number of attendees. Email addresses and mobile phone numbers in the booking system are used to keep members informed of their bookings, and are not displayed to general users. It is never shared elsewhere.

For the purposes of club ride information the DRCC uses WhatsApp. This allows communication of ride information such as weekly routes, changes of time shown on Supersaas or if a ride has to be cancelled for whatever reason. In the WhatsApp system club members’ phone numbers and WhatsApp picture can be seen by other club member. In the membership process club members can request to opt out of this if requested and make arrangements to get ride information from other sources.

Individual Committee members or Committee agreed nominees may also use data for the purposes of contacting members for specified, relevant and limited purposes in running the club affairs such as organising rides or DRCC social events.

Issue 2 - 27th January 2023